Sunday, November 29, 2009

Fall '09

Hope everybody had a nice Thanksgiving. We had a big dinner at my husband's parents house. We enjoyed the dinner as well as company of twenty some family members. We had turkey, fried turkey, ham, dressing, gravy, mashed potatoes, 2 kinds of sweet potato casseroles, asparagus casserole, rigatoni, black eye peas, cream corn, salad, rolls, fruit salad, grape salad, 12 pies and cakes.... I'm sure I'm forgetting something. Then my daughter and I went out early on Friday for shopping. I usually work Friday after Thanksgiving and I was not going to miss out this opportunity. I actually had a whole week off :) I thought it was fun getting out early. Here is the page I got done yesterday using a sketch from Pink Sketches. I dread going back to work tomorrow...... oh well...

1 comment:

sarah said...

hey mica!!!

love the design of that LO! :)
